Coinciding with our 25th anniversary year, we have adopted a new logo. What does this logo mean to us? Quite a bit actually. Not only is it a logo that is unique to the Friends, it carries, we believe, some key elements of who we are.
Our new logo emphasizes that the Friends are individuals. We are not an impersonal organization, but an association of individuals who believe in the same thing: having the best library in the County that we can have! We work well because we are individuals working together, each individual contributing their own strengths. The individual portrayed in the logo also shows the enthusiasm we each have about our role, that of supporting and promoting our library, whether we are raising funds, volunteering to help the library raise funds, or just speaking up about how wonderful our library is.
The placement of the different elements of the logo and the shapes obtained express our confidence in doing what we do. There is a sense of the flair that the Friends as an association of individuals bring to the common good. We are not afraid to sign our work, rather we are proud of what we do. Yet, the very formality of the script also says how seriously we take our role.
Naturally, all this takes place on an open book, the classic symbol of a library. We are Friends, Friends of the Strathcona County Library. Yet, in our logo, the individual is not contained in the book, but flows into the surrounding area, showing that the Friends are not part of the Library, but remain independent. Our enthusiasm, our drive, our dedication to supporting the Library is not because we are part of the Library; it is because we have freely chosen to work on its behalf, on the community’s behalf.
We hope that, as you come across this new logo more frequently, you will quickly think of us, the Friends of Strathcona County Library Society.